CGP 10 minute test book for Edexcel IGCSE Biology

We have really gotten into our Biology. We are finding it fascinating so we decided not to rush it and rather do it over 2 years so we are taking our time and going through the sections at a nice pace, doing extra reading and activities as she wants. But the one thing that I had not thought of was finding a source of tests for her. She wanted some short tests that she could try as we complete a section, something whereby we could see if she really understood everything and possibly see if there was anything we needed to work on. I did manage to download a few from different internet sources but I could not find a test for every section, and the ones that I did find, did not always have answers, it ended up being a bit chaotic. So I started looking for a book and I very quickly discovered the CGP do a range of these 10 minute test books for Edexcel International GCSE Sciences.

Although CGP do not often send out sample books for reviews I did manage to get one for this book.

Each test is just a double page (they are meant to only be 10 minute tests – I really like that they are quick tests) and each test is split into multiple choice questions and then written questions, but the written questions are no more than 3 mark questions.

In total there are 30 different tests. There are two tests for each of the 9 sections and then at the end of the book there are 4 mixed tests for Paper 1 and another 4 mixed tests for Paper 2.

Also I must stress the answers for all the tests are in the book (I am always amazed at how many books do not contain the answers).

Okay so expectations. This is a black and white test book – do not think student book or activity book – no colours or pretty pictures. This is a TEST book. So something you will use at the end of a section to test to see if you have understood the section. This does NOT take the place of a student book or a workbook but it does work nicely with them. Once you have finished reading your section in your student book and done your activities in your workbook it is nice to test yourself before you move onto the next sections, and this is where this book comes in.

I will write an update once my daughter has had a chance to actually use this and give her thoughts on it. But I really do think this idea of small, quick tests all in one booklet with the answers is brilliant and I have a feeling it is going to be incredibly useful. And I must confess I actually wish I had just gone for a test book in the first place instead of spending all that time trying to find tests and answers. Really this is just much easier and for only £4.95 well worth the time it took me to try and find a fraction of the tests. I also really like that there are 2 tests for each section and that the test is split between multiple choice and written answers. (I am thinking this will tick all our requirements.)

At this stage we only have the test booklet for Biology but I have had a look and I can see they do similar booklets for Maths and the other Sciences – Physics and Chemistry.

You can order the 10 minute test booklet directly from CGP – Edexcel International GCSE Biology 10 minute tests, I have also seen them at both WH Smith stores and Waterstones and as usual they are available from Amazon – GCP Edexcel IGCSE Biology 10 minute test

Admin – CGP kindly sent us three different GCSE/IGCSE sample books so we could write reviews on them and this book happened to be one of them.

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About ofamily

Home educating family based in the UK. We try to make learning fun
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