Little Acorns eBook and Calligrams

My kids love reading eBooks on the computer.  We have download a bunch of traditional stories for them but they also love “new” stories.  So this past week I download the Little Acorns ebook from the Twinkl Resources website.

It is a very sweet story about a little acorn who falls off his tree and gets buried in the ground and then starts to grow (includes the full life cycle of an oak tree).  We actually used it as reading practice for my youngest and it was perfect for him.

Reading Twinkl Original eBook Little Acorns which is filled with Calligrams

While we were reading the story both kids commented on how some of the words were written in unusual fonts and sometimes as pictures.

Twinkl Orginal Story Little Acorns. A sweet story about an acorn becoming an oak tree

I never knew this but these words are called Calligrams (words or phrases where the design and layout of the word creates a visual image which relates to the words meaning).

So we thought it would be fun to try to create some of our own.

Creating our own Calligrams after reading the Twinkl Original eBook Little Acorns

Both kids loved the activity and sat happily for ages writing and rewriting words trying out different fonts and ways to decorate the different words.

Creating Calligrams, is a fun way to get kids writing and practicing their spelling

It ended up being a great spelling activity for the kids.  And my youngest really impressed me with how much he wrote and how he kept trying to find ways to express the words.  I just love his idea of tall inside a giraffe.

Writing out Calligrams like tall inside a giraffe

And we even had a go at making some more crafty calligrams.

Creating crafty Calligrams after reading the Twinkl eBook Little Acorns

The words can be as simple or as complex as you want.  I like the fact that there is no right answer to this.  So everyone who tries can come up with their own idea.

Calligrams can be as simple or as complex as you want

Little Acorns in a Twinkl Orginal Story which means it was written for their website and can only be downloaded from their website.  It is currently available as part of their Platinum Classic package.  They also have a number of learning activities linked to the story.  Twinkl have a document on their website explaining what a Calligram is as well as a worksheet with suggested words that the kids could use to create Calligrams (both are also part of their Classic package)

Calligrams.  Fun way to get the kids writing and practicing their spelling.  Idea from the Twinkl eBook Little Acorns

Please note – The Twinkl packages I mention in my posts are the valid packages at the time of me writing the post.  Any changes that may occur with the packages are at the discretion of Twinkl.


About ofamily

Home educating family based in the UK. We try to make learning fun
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